Launch WING COMMANDER in the following manner. From cli cd to the directory where WC is installed or DF0: if playing from floppy. Now type "Wing h0 Origin&tonic" and press 'RETURN'. Make sure you type it exactly as shown. Now during play hold down 'SHIFT' and press 'F5' to destroy any targeted target.

s 1-13 --Pickz the System where you start
m 0-2 -----Pickz the mission you start at
-k ----------------------You are immortal

Numbers of Systems:
1 Enyo ----- 08 Port Hedland
2 McAuliffe- 09 Kurasawa
3 Gateway -- 10 Rostov
4 Gimle ---- 11 Hubbles Star
5 Brimstone- 12 Venice
6 Chengdu -- 13 Hells Kitchen
7 Dakota